You don’t need to know much climate science to start using En-ROADS. The primary climate science to understand is that we need to lower greenhouse gas net emissions in order to lower temperature. Participants in En-ROADS events may begin the event with very little knowledge about climate change. If you are a facilitator or guiding people through using En-ROADS, it is helpful to learn about the 18 En-ROADS sliders and key system dynamics. We recommend taking the En-ROADS training to understand more about the model and its dynamics. 

We also recommend you read through our En-ROADS User Guide. Within the simulator, the User Guide section for each slider can also be accessed by clicking the three dots next to the slider, which opens the advanced settings. Then click the i icon on the right-hand side, which will open the User Guide section for that slider.

For further reading, we recommend:



  • IPCC Special Report (2018): a summary for policymakers on the impacts associated specifically with global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels